Level Editor is live!

The level editor is a-go! The offline version, anyway. The basics are in place and there are certainly more things to add, but you can create and edit your own levels for Against the Tide. That's very exciting for me because it means I can use the editor to create the story levels. Which I have done, replacing the two old levels with new one. Took me about two minutes. Awesome.
With minor exceptions, the level editor is functionally complete. You can create/delete/edit a new level. Modify the terrain, routes, and enemies on your level. And, of course, play your level. The editor will also tell you if your level is ready to upload. Though the uploading part is forthcoming. The validator is rather complete, making sure the routing works and there are enemies to fight. Checking for things like infinite loops and even if you've beaten the level--a requirement for uploading.
Along with the new editor and levels are 5 new monsters. Each fit a basic stereotype of Tower Defense monsters. Fast and low damage, slow and lots of health, and so on. There will be more, but what's a level editor without options.
Eventually, nearly every aspect of the game will be configurable. From the map to the towers, monsters, skills, gems, and more. Initially, I planned to write the level editor for myself to tweak the game internally while I released content. But we live in a post-mario maker world. You got a level editor, you give the player the level editor. I'm hoping you guys will be better balancers than me. I will follow who plays what and how well to find better ways to balance the story missions to create an optimal, fun experience.
I've been hard at work on this release. The last build number was 259, now it's nearly 1,000. Not only that, the significance of the level editor bumped the version from 0.17 to 0.50! I wanted to release yesterday as a Christmas present to you all. But it didn't work out. So today I was able to clean up things a little more and prepare for the good stuff coming. Speaking of.
Road Map
The level editor is a major piece of the puzzle. But there are other pieces.
- Uploading levels
- Playing uploaded levels
- Sharing uploaded levels
- Tagging uploaded levels (both as creator and player)
- Handling steam/itch.io/etc accounts when using those platform apps
- Highscore rankings
- In-game contests for editors (like jams here)
- Configurable loadouts (letting people/creators pick towers and skills before playing)
- More tilesets (better ones, too)
- More monsters
- Elemental damage (and resistances to them)
- Better music management
- More complete sound effects
- Better, more functional UI
- Story content (levels, cutscenes, etc)
- Siege mode and BOSS MODE
- And so much more
I started this project earlier in the month on a whim. Not really a whim; I'll go into it one day. But a fountain of frustration pushed me finally tackle this idea I've had for some time. I didn't think I'd get this far. In a month or far longer. My wife is unsure about the whole thing. And that's her role until the dice roll in my favor. What I was doing before wasn't working. This is a gamble, to be sure. I have other chips down, but when you're losing with your safe, familiar hand you have to push into new territory. Okay, that's enough gambling metaphors. Here's an Elton John video that describes how I'm feeling these days:
(Relax, mods, it's from his own channel.)
So much more to come. I'm super excited about the game's story. And boss mode. Boss mode is gonna rock some balls. Heartfelt thanks to all who check out the game.
Get Against the Tide
Against the Tide
Tower Defense + Match 3
Status | In development |
Author | Against the Tide |
Genre | Strategy |
Tags | Fantasy, Level Editor, match3, Mouse only, realtime, Real time strategy, Singleplayer, Tower Defense |
Languages | English |
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